Egyptian Places: An Illustrated Travelogue

Join us for an overview of Richmond architect Henry David Ayon’s recently-released book Egyptian Places. The monograph focuses on 12 sacred sites of ancient Egypt whose individual characteristics are described by written architectural commentary and illustrated by over 200 hand rendered drawings and graphic studies.

The volume’s chapters are organized by individual sites and the drawings attempt to convey the unique architectural features and the mythic ethos of each place through visually rich, detailed drawings that convey the sense of these massive edifices set in a stark desert terrain.

Central to the book’s evocation of the architectural distinction of the buildings is the hand rendering technique utilizing sepia pencil and markers to create a simulation of the colors and chroma of the landscape. Numerous drawings were scanned after the initial pencil sketch and manipulated in Photoshop to apply sepia coloration in various percentages of density, thereby illuminating different aspects of a particular scene or artifact.

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RWiD: Holiday Happy Hour & Give Away

Happy Holidays from Richmond Women in Design!
Your presents is requested! Join us  for a virtual mistletoast, where we can gather and celebrate the holiday season from a safe social distance.

But wait! There’s myrrh… this year we are also offering free RWiD holiday swag bags! Yule be sorry if you miss it!

Join online.

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ARE 5.0 | Item Types and What to Expect!

Join YAF RVA for a fun filled hour covering “Item Types” that you should expect to find on the ARE! Register with your friends or call in with your quarantine buddies to learn more about what item types are, which ones can be found on your exams, and tips to uncovering the correct responses. Not only will we be covering all of the possible item types, but we will also work through example questions found in each ARE division. This is not limited to ARE​ candidates – new graduates or licensed architects are also welcome! You don’t have to be actively studying to attend, but pack your thinking cap and prepare to THINK!

​Register online.

VCU Health-Adult Outpatient Pavilion Virtual Tour by HDR

The new Adult Outpatient Pavilion’s (AOP) project vision consolidates outpatient adult specialty services on the academic medical center campus into one multidisciplinary facility for leading clinical care. The AOP will consolidate the Massey Cancer Center, Multi-disciplinary Shared Clinics, and the VCU School of Dentistry Clinics into a multi-faceted facility, designed to achieve LEED Silver. The 615,000 SF Tower is integrated with a parking structure for 1,000+ vehicles. The 17-story predominately glass tower will be highly visible in the downtown skyline. The flexible and adaptable design maximizes views and natural daylight on all floors while also promoting a multidisciplinary, and welcoming environment for family-centered care and collaboration.

Register online.