Country House Conference 2021

The American Country House Foundation is proud to present Virginia The Past is Present an exploration of 400 years of country house history and evolution.

Virginia The Past is Present
 from humble origins to new innovations. Virginia provides more than 400 years of American country house history. The 2021 Conference will look at a wide and diverse range of houses reflecting the evolution of the Virginia country house from the colonial past to modern preservation efforts.

Revisiting The Past Through The Restoration of Mount Vernon

Susan P. Schoelwer, Robert H, Smith Senior Curator – George Washington’s Mount Vernon

A Museum Reimagined in Glass

Sam McKelvey, Executive Director – Menokin Foundation

Social and Ecological Dynamics of Monticello’s Plantation Landscapes

Fraser Neiman, Director of Archaeology – Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

The Gilded Age at Maymont

David Voelkel, Senior Curator and Director of Historic Preservation – Maymont

Belmont: Living with the Past and Reinventing It

Joanna Catron, Assistant Director and Curator – Gari Melcher’s Belmont

The main conference event will include lunch and a tour of Stratford Hall

Friday House Tours of:
Fall Hill, Fredericksburg, VA
Belmont, Falmouth, VA
Kenmore, Fredericksburg, VA

Sunday House Tours of:
Menokin, Warsaw, VA

Health & Safety Requirements:
In an effort to assure the health and safety of guests the ACHF will require all guests to be vaccinated for Covid-19. Guests may be asked to wear a mask during certain portions of the event and certain protocols will be taken throughout the conference by volunteers and staff to endeavor to meet the highest level of safety protections for all attendees.