Partner Content
Designers have been told over and over by manufacturers that veneer is a sustainable product. The theory is that you turn the log in a circle that can be peeled into layers. This is true. What is also true is that the layer gets thinner and thinner over time.
Many veneers use MDF (Multi Density Fiber) substrates with urea formaldehyde as a binding agent which consumes much more energy to create than solid wood products. Veneer products have a much shorter life span than solid wood products which can be refinished several times. By the way, where do veneer products go when they die? To the landfill with their chemical glues that seep back into the earth.
With this is mind, meet Mantra Inspired Furniture, solid wood furniture created to be truly sustainable. Mantra Inspired Furniture is American made and American inspired by the collective hearts of designers and Amish craftsman. But, Mantra is not your mother’s Amish furniture! Mantra’s collections are modern, minimalistic, and available in a variety of American hardwoods and finishes.

Like us, you have probably been told, “these are your choices” or “here’s what’s in the box.” Certainly, you can take our options and make them yours by combining and coordinating to your liking. If you don’t see what you’d like, challenge us with your “what ifs” and we will get to work on the solution to your creation. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised by Mantra’s mid-market pricing that won’t break the bank.
There has never been a time that humankind has been without inspiration. Visit us at www.mantrainspiredfurniture.com and then tell us about your inspiration. The possibilities are endless.
About the Author
Matt Cheadle is a Business Development Manager and Designer at PC&A Business Environments.