It’s that most sacred of annual celebrations: Star Wars Day. And, May the 4th Be with You.
Here’s a compendium of our favorite articles on the architecture and design of Star Wars and how they have influenced our world.
The Architecture of Star Wars: 7 Iconic Structures
Arch Daily highlights some of the most recognizable designs in the Star Wars universe — from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, to the Cloud City, to the Death Star. Bonus: Each structure has a “seen in” section so you know exactly which films to watch to enjoy these architectural gems.
9 Architectural Projects Inspired by the Star Wars Aesthetic
Architizer has compiled some of the best buildings inspired by the Star Wars universe. The Death Star and the Jawa Sandcrawler make several appearances, but you’ll also see nods to Jabba’s palace and the AT-AT.
Building an Empire: Exploring the Architecture of ‘Star Wars’
CNN Style does a (relatively) deep dive into the ways that architecture and design shaped the Star Wars universe. Unlike several of the other articles, this one features architecture from the latest installments of the franchise like Ahch-To.
Star Wars Architecture, Real and Digital
Thought.Co takes a look at the real-life inspirations and stand ins for some of Star Wars’ lush and “place-defining” settings.
The Mystery of Star Wars and Tunisia’s Rundown Brutalist Hotel
BBC News asks the important question: did the Hotel du Lac inspire the iconic Sandcrawler? Brutalism fans rejoice! This one is for you.